Video Games

Sonic Frontiers Writer Talks Open-Zone Story, Dr. Eggman, and More – IGN First

Throughout June, we unveiled the new Sonic Frontiers gameplay and interviewed developers to reach the roots of Sonic Frontiers’ design goals and processes, but didn’t touch on one of Sonic’s latest aspects. Talk.

To that end, we turn to Ian Flynn, a Sonic Frontiers writer and certainly not a stranger to Sonic. Flynn has been writing for Sonic with some ability since 2006, including the classic Sonic The Hedgehog Archie Comics, Relaunched IDW Comics, Sonic Ensilco Speed, Sonic Boom Episodes, and Sonic Forces. It touches on everything, including various comics and scripts for promotional purposes. Sonic Origins etc. He is also the host of Bumblekast, a podcast centered around Sonic. Needless to say, Flynn is a big fan of Sonic. Here’s what he had to say about holding the reins to write Blue Blur’s latest adventures.

Sonic Frontiers-IGN First Screenshot

IGN: Comic, television, games, etc. have long been essentially associated with the Sonic series. How did you get the reins of writing the Sonic Frontiers story compared to everything else you’ve been working on for Blue Blur?

Flynn: Indeed, it was a very different experience. In other tie-up media, it’s me who market stories, characters, themes, and more. At Sonic Frontiers, Sega provided stories, back stories, plot beats, usable characters and more. So the approach to talking about Sonic was very different from what I’m used to.

“Telling the story of Sonic was a very different approach than I’m used to.”


Aside from that, working on such a major Sonic title was a dream come true and an incredible learning experience. I hope everyone enjoys what I bring to the table.

IGN: Can you briefly explain what Sonic and his friends are doing at the frontier?

Flynn: Sonic, Tales and Amy embark on the Starfall Islands to investigate the disappearance of the Chaos Emerald. Things quickly turned dramatic and Sonic was left with many questions. The story is his journey to unravel all the mysteries of the island, save his friends and discover how everything is connected.

IGN: Being an “open zone” game, the story of Sonic Frontiers is very different from previous games. Can you talk about the challenges of writing a story for a non-linear game?

Flynn: The biggest question was how to adjust the pace of each story beat when the player is free to move around the island at his own pace. As the structure of the game took shape, it had to be massaged and modified. It will be interesting to see how everything is combined in the finished project.

IGN: Who is your favorite Sonic character to write? Will it change from comics to video games?

Flynn: I’m trying to find something fun among all the characters, but relaxing with Dr. Eggman is always a pleasure. At Sonic Frontiers, you can turn his character in several interesting directions.

IGN: Playing Sonic Frontiers, the melancholic piano melody, the lifeless island, and Sonic starting the game felt very lonely and mysterious away from his friends. Gameplay is converted into story tones. Can you tell us a little bit about writing for Sonic in this unique setting?

Flynn: “Melancholy” is a good word for the whole story. Sonic’s indomitable spirit carries him through adventure, which allows him to help each of his friends as they tackle their own personal challenges. Someone else you meet will have their identity shaped by their interaction with Sonic, which is not always a comfortable process. Next, we’ll discuss the secrets of the Starfall Islands themselves and how the tragedy of the past led to today’s adventures. Sonic’s “never die” attitude is certainly tested.

“‘Melancholy’ is a good word for the whole story.”


That said, it can feel very lonely, but it never feels hopeless because you have Sonic on your side.

IGN: What do you expect from players from the Sonic Frontiers story?

Flynn: For new players, we hope you enjoy your time with Sonic, get to know his friends and be happy with your journey to unravel all the mysteries of the game. For veteran players, I hope you enjoy the individual character arcs and threads I’ve tried to weave between Sonic Frontiers and other Sonic series.

“”[The Sonic fanbase is] A constant source of inspiration. “


IGN: The Sonic Fan Base is one of the most passionate fan bases in any video game, and it’s actually an active participant from Bumble Kast, who frequently asks fans on podcasts, to literally creating Sonic. It seems that. Encyclopedia. Given all that, what does Sonic and its fan base mean to you?

Flynn: They are always a source of inspiration. Their passion for franchises cannot be erased, their creativity is endless, and their loyalty is unwavering. Whenever my contribution is accepted by fandom, it’s thrilling and fulfilling. They help always remind me where I came from and why I enjoyed being part of the Sonic series for a long time. And they are steadily joining the ranks of official contributors, helping to shape the future of the next generation. This is very exciting.

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