Video Games

The Matrix Awakens Demo Is Leaving Soon So Get It While It Lasts

Matrix Awakens, an impressive display of Unreal Engine 5 features, demo Released in December for PlayStation and Xbox consoles. However, the demo will leave the store on July 9th, so get it while it’s still available. Once you have the demo, you are free to re-download it.

The first release of the demo was pretty much in line with the release of Matrix Resurrection. Both Neo (Keanu Reeves) and Trinity (Carrie Anne Moss) will be demonstrating how good the photorealistic Unreal Engine 5 is. Wise gamers will probably notice the difference between real and fake, but the true matrix method was aimed at blurring the line between reality and the game.

The demo itself is a technical wonder, showing detailed models, crowd density and ray tracing. Includes cinematics and an on-rail section where you can shoot it down with an agent during a thrilling car chase (of course). You can also explore and tinker with the open world sandbox.

Speaking of tinkering, many brave people are changing the game to add popular superheroes to the game. Most notably, Spider-Man and Superman have been added by Modder to allow players to experience what it’s like to roam the city as their character. Superman clones in particular run one pine correctly for another Superman game.

Matrix Awakens Unreal Engine 5 Experience Gallery

Epic Games then released a playable shooter called Lyra with Unreal Engine 5. This is yet another demonstration of the power of Unreal Engine 5, giving developers the sensation of creating shooters using Epic’s latest game engine.

There’s also Lumen, a dynamic global illumination system that allows developers to create realistic lighting scenes, and Nanite, which allows developers to import high-fidelity visual assets into their games without slowing down the frame rate.

The technologies included will have a significant impact on the gaming industry as developers are considering using Unreal Engine 5 in future games. Feel free to check out what the real game developers said about the release of Unreal Engine 5.

David Matthews is a freelance writer specializing in consumer technology and games. He also strongly believes that sugar does not enter the grits. Follow him on Twitter @packetstealer

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