Video Games

Votes for Women Board Game Review

Dating back to 1993, an unpretentious game about the American Revolution called We the People Revolutionized the historic board game. By adding a deck of cards that mimic historical events and equating political domination with military occupation, we combined politics and warfare into one neat package. Its more recent predecessors eschewed the war board game aspect to focus on politics, and the latest in the line is Votes for Women, which uses cards and dice to fight for women’s suffrage in America. rematch.

what’s in the box

Votes for Women packs a lot into a slim bookcase box. There is a sturdy board featuring a US map with states selected using two-letter codes that can confuse non-US players. There are also several thick card decks for suffrage players, opposition, and solo play, as well as some smaller decks. It’s all illustrated with period photographs and political cartoons, which do a great job of setting the tone.

There are also dozens of small purple, yellow, and red wooden cube-shaped tree halves that correspond to the tree halves, as well as figurines of male and female athletes in matching colors. Unusually, Votes for Women offers a lot of spares in this regard, such as offering a choice of poses for the figure, allowing you to use any pose you like. It has wooden checkmarks and crosses to indicate the states, a nice touch that looks great on the board. Several wooden cylinders, dice of various shapes and cardboard chits round out the play elements.

As is often the case with history-oriented games, there is a booklet of designer notes next to the rules, in which designer Tory Brown explains how he feels his game mechanics are tied to history. Less common, but potentially far more interesting, are facsimile stacks of historical documents, from front-page facsimiles of the New York Times to samples of Chicago ballots. If you are interested in the history of this period, they are delighted.

rules and how to play

As a card-driven game goes, Votes for Women is pretty straightforward. With an event card in hand, you can bid on “buttons” (abstract resources that approximate campaign funding and momentum) to get bonus strategy cards from face-up selections. The suffrage player and the opposition then take turns playing cards from their hand. After his 6th of these the round is over and after 6 rounds the game ends with a sudden death victory and the players roll off to see which side wins an undecided state. confirm.

Most cards are played for events, and most events allow you to add or remove cubes from states on the map. If you don’t want to play the card for that event, you can use it to campaign. This can be done by rolling a die for each campaigner on the map and assigning that number of cubes to the surrounding area or moving it to a new location. One by paying button. You can also play cards to win more buttons or influence Congress to allow Americans to vote on suffrage. If Congress does not do this by the end of the game, the opposition player automatically wins.

Use cards and dice to rematch the struggle for women’s suffrage in America.

Once Congress passes that amendment, getting 4 state cubes “wins” with a cross or a tick. Opposition players have fewer campaigners and cubes, but only 13 states need to deny voting rights to win. Suffrage players, on the other hand, are hampered by having to use two cube colors, reflecting the realities of racist sectarianism within the movement. Prior to that, when he got 4 cubes in certain critical states, he could earn additional cards associated with that state, which can be played to advance the campaign.

Evaluating voting for women from a purely mechanical point of view uses a shocking amount of dice for a modern board game. Many event cards give a random amount of cubes, similar to campaigns. Committing a card to influence Congress is often one that swings across the line and requires a 6 to be rolled. Roll-off is a particular problem. You can add to the number of cubes in the state, but even that tends to fluctuate wildly, often allowing a single die roll to determine the winner. You might imagine the game to feel like glorified crap, but it rarely does.

There are various reasons for this. One important thing is the number of dice you roll during the game. This will even out your luck. The fact that the whole thing is over in about 90 minutes also helps. Another important aspect is the fact that you can use buttons for rerolling. This makes 6’s fishing less of a dull tool and gives us some control over other risk versus reward decisions. Shaking is often so exciting and so dependent on the outcome that you forget to worry about whether you’re making meaningful choices and just roll the drama as well as the dice.

This immersion is largely thanks to the game’s theme. We’d happily play his one-card military sims slaughtering thousands, but Votes for Women has a surprisingly personal feel to it, and is aimed at those who don’t want to oppose suffrage. It features an excellent solo version of him and a co-op version. And it’s true: whether you’re giving or receiving, opposition victories feel utterly offensive. and the effects of that systematic oppression continue today.

It features excellent solo and co-op versions for those who don’t want to oppose suffrage.

For those who want to marshall their resources against that oppression, the game has plenty of tools to help you. There is enough for Learning when to shepherd the buttons and when to use them is especially important in the thrill of bidding on powerful strategy cards. Knowing when and where to campaign is an amazing double-edged sword for both sides, and we need to determine when and where to campaign.

Votes for Women is loosely based on an old card-driven strategy board game called 1960: The Making of the President. This used the same statewide board where players added or removed cubes to each state, but there was no geographic strategy, cubes just came and went like a tally, like a missed opportunity Votes for Women is an improvement over its predecessor in almost every way, but despite its early importance in capturing specific states for special cards, this lack of spatial meaning The nagging lack still lingers and feels like a missed opportunity.

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